Steve to Earth - Encouraging you the way I like to be encouraged.



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Posts Tagged ‘Prayers’


Steve to Earth has been on a break for over three years as I considered the future of the site. Because it is hand-coded, it has become very time-consuming to maintain. I plan to convert the site over to the WordPress Content Management System (CMS) in 2011. I believe this transition will greatly enhance the site for users while allowing me to focus on creating content rather than becoming distracted with tedious maintenance duties.

Your prayers and patience during my silence have been greatly appreciated. I will continue to be grateful for both as I convert the existing site to the new WordPress platform. May you find 2011 a year filled with abundant joy and perfect peace.


I trust You with my life

God of Might –

You are the Living God … the Almighty God. You can do anything, and You are doing great and wonderful things in my life right now.

I humble myself before You. Lord, please lift me up. Only You know how high I should be lifted, and no one can lift me higher than You.

I trust You with my life … with all of my life. You are faithful. You are steadfast. I know You hear me.

Father, multiply my freedom in Jesus. Free me from sin … from my old life … from anything and everything that is hostile to You. You can do it! Your hand is mighty.

I love to worship You. Please help me speak, and teach me what to say as I worship You and as I confess You before men.

You have never failed me. You have lifted me up in the presence of my enemies. Thank You, Father. Through the name of Jesus, I thank You. Amen.


You invented perfect forgiveness

Teacher and Great Forgiver –

I thank You … I praise You … I stand in awe of You.

You forgive perfectly. You thought of it. You created it. You invented perfect forgiveness. Only You can teach it correctly.

Instruct me, Wonderful Counselor, how to forgive and how to repent. Show me through Your Word … Your perfect Word. I want to forgive freely and generously.

Keep me from bitterness and grudges. Remind me that vengeance … all vengeance … belongs to You and You alone. Help me to hate … truly hate … all forms of sin … in my own life … and in the lives of others, but at the same time, please help me to love … deeply love … those who sin.

Grant me wisdom to see souls as You see them, and grace to treat them as You treat me … blessing those who are hostile to You, and having great compassion on those whose hearts are tender … moldable … and receptive to You and Your forgiving heart.

May the forgiveness that flows from me be all for … and only for … the glory of Your holy name.

I offer these requests through my Master and King, Jesus. Amen.


Thank You for making me

True Father –

You have created so many people, and yet You know me by name, and You are intensely interested in me and my well-being.

You’re never too busy or too tired to listen … to help … to run to my cry.

You are God. You are immense. You are everywhere, and everywhere that I can be, Your power is there.

Thank You for making everyone. Thank You for making me. Teach me to serve You and to always make time for You.

I lift this prayer only through the reconciling, saving Jesus. Amen.



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