Steve to Earth - Encouraging you the way I like to be encouraged.



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Steve to Earth has been on a break for over three years as I considered the future of the site. Because it is hand-coded, it has become very time-consuming to maintain. I plan to convert the site over to the WordPress Content Management System (CMS) in 2011. I believe this transition will greatly enhance the site for users while allowing me to focus on creating content rather than becoming distracted with tedious maintenance duties.

Your prayers and patience during my silence have been greatly appreciated. I will continue to be grateful for both as I convert the existing site to the new WordPress platform. May you find 2011 a year filled with abundant joy and perfect peace.


Boomerang Blessings

One of the richest rewards of creating this web site is what I call “Boomerang Blessings” … the blessings that return to me through your e-mails. I read and re-read them. A few of them are listed below.

» May you be blessed in increasing measure as you seek to love and encourage others.

» The Imagine blessing was probably one of the best things you’ve ever written. The reminder of the end of our story and of being with Jesus hit me right where I needed it to. It is so easy to get caught in the minutia of daily activities, but being reminded of something so much bigger than this world … something that exceeds the pain, the criticism, the lows and gives a sense of assurance that all that we are doing is worthwhile and meaningful … you tapped into an immeasurable resource, the everlasting life that comes through Jesus. May that source sustain you in the highs and lows, in the joys and the depression, the smiles and the tears, the regrets and the frets.

» May this website be like a tree planted by streams of water – a tree that even in cultural drought, endlessly provides fruit for the soul.

» I pray that you will be a literary hero to someone through your website. I know that your words give warmth in a world that is often cold, and I pray that they continue to do the same.

» May God bless you for putting His name before the world on the web!

» God bless you with this endeavor as you seek fully His will.

» The world seeks out kind hearts, may it never break your spirit, may this website always breathe new life into Christendom.

» May you always have the peace in your heart that allows such beautiful language to burst forth onto these pages and into the hearts of those of us who view them.

» May the Lord bless you and your ministry!

» May you and your site glorify the Lord always.

Thank you!


Mission Statement

I learned the value of mission statements in 1997. Now that my values and goals are written down and easily accessible, I find it easier to make wise decisions about how to conduct myself in life. Even my unwise decisions are easier to correct when I read my own mission statement because I am reminded of what is truly important to me in this life and in the life to come. If you choose to write one, just be honest about who you are and who you want to be.

Steve’s Mission Statement written in 1997 »

“I am Steve … perfectly created by the Holy, Living God. He is my Father, and I am His son. He speaks to me through His Word, and I speak to Him through prayer. I am a sinner, washed clean through baptism by the blood of Jesus Christ and filled with His Holy Spirit. My relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in my life, and my purpose, my esteem, my value, my sense of worth and my inspiration come solely from Him.

I live in a way that honors my Creator. I humbly accept my successes and gracefully accept responsibility for my failures. I compare myself to no one. I am a good steward of the spiritual, mental, social, emotional and physical blessings that flow to me from my Father, and I live each day of my life as a gift to Him. I approve and champion behavior that honors Jesus, yet I treat all men with dignity and respect.

I am content with the simple things in life, and I have my hope set on eternal life with my Lord. I am sincerely thankful. I pray fervently. I smile joyfully. I laugh heartily. I sing with my whole heart. I listen intently. I learn enthusiastically. I grow continually. I love God. I love others. I love myself.

I pursue qualities that are befitting of a respectful son, a loving husband, a nurturing father and a faithful friend. I am Steve, and through me, Jesus impacts the world to His glory. This is who I am. This is who I am becoming. This is who I want to be. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for leading the way!”



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