Steve to Earth - Encouraging you the way I like to be encouraged.



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Posts Tagged ‘patience’


Steve to Earth has been on a break for over three years as I considered the future of the site. Because it is hand-coded, it has become very time-consuming to maintain. I plan to convert the site over to the WordPress Content Management System (CMS) in 2011. I believe this transition will greatly enhance the site for users while allowing me to focus on creating content rather than becoming distracted with tedious maintenance duties.

Your prayers and patience during my silence have been greatly appreciated. I will continue to be grateful for both as I convert the existing site to the new WordPress platform. May you find 2011 a year filled with abundant joy and perfect peace.


Your promises are rich and true

Almighty God –

I love Your holy covenant. Your promises are rich and true. Your promises never fail. Thank You for keeping Your promise to Abraham. Your faithfulness helps me believe.

Increase my faith, Lord. Fortify my patience, Father. Every promise You have made to me, I know You will keep in Your time. I will wait on You. I know that You are not slow. You are perfect.

Teach me Your will … Your way … Your Word. Use me, Lord, as a vessel. I give You my heart. Mold me into who You want me to be. I am here to serve. I am here to worship. I am here to praise.

You are the promise-keeping God. Lead me, Father. I will follow You. I want to be trustworthy just like You. Through Christ, I can be. I love You. I am Your servant, and I am praying through Your Son, Jesus. Amen.



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