Steve to Earth - Encouraging you the way I like to be encouraged.



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Posts Tagged ‘Heaven’

May you lose yourself … and find yourself … in Jesus

Three more mini-blessings. I love to end e-mails with short blessings like these:

» May Jesus be all the Heaven you ever need or desire.

» May you lose yourself and find yourself in the ever-increasing, ever-creating Jesus.

» May your heart seek the pure heart of Jesus on Saturday … and again on Sunday … and … well … every day from now on … and may you find what you seek.



Imagine the moment your mission here is complete … the instant that your journey through eternity begins … your hope becomes reality … your faith becomes sight. Imagine no high wall and no pearly gates.

Imagine no holy mountain and no holy city. Imagine no throne and no river of living water. Imagine no tree of life and no crystal sea. Imagine no angels … no cherubim … no elders. Imagine no heroes of the faith. Imagine no open books and no streets of gold.

Imagine no robe and no crown. Imagine that Heaven is just you and Jesus … and He looks just like the person you dislike most in this life. Imagine you and Him forever. Imagine not wanting it any other way.

May you love Jesus just that much.



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