Steve to Earth - Encouraging you the way I like to be encouraged.



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Posts Tagged ‘adore’

Thank You for creating relationships

Master of all generations –

Thank You for creating mankind and every aspect of life. Thank You for creating me. Thank You for creating relationships. Father, I want to live in an intimate, deep relationship with You. I desire to live in a way that makes You happy that You created me.

Please teach me Your Word and Your Way so that I can master the sin that clings so closely to me.

I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength. I believe that! It’s not my strength, but His, and He can do anything! I praise You, Father, for sharing Your Son, Jesus Christ, with me. He is my Savior. He is my King. I want to walk with Him. I want to walk with Your Holy Spirit. I want to walk with You … only with You.

Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. Lead me in light, Father. Lead me in the light of Your Word. Lead on, oh King Eternal!

My heart loves You. My heart adores You. With my whole heart, I am praying to You through Jesus. Amen.



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